Plans are progressing for the Sangha pilgrimage to Buddhist sites in India in 2021. So far 26 people have expressed an interest in the pilgrimage in late-January/February which could last up to three weeks (with possible two week option). With the uncertainty prompted by the choronovirus outbreak, no financial commitments are being made but planning is going ahead so that we can be ready when travel becomes more possible.
Bodhi Tours which is run by Order Members from India have put together an exciting initial itniery including:
- Bodhgaya – Where the Buddha gained enlightenment
- Nalanda – Site of ancient University which ran from 5th – 12th Centuries and had up to 10000 students.
- Rajgir (including Vultures Peak) – The Buddha visited here several times and gave teachings here.
- Vaishali – Where the Buddha spent his last rainy season before he reached his mahaparanirvana
- Kushinagar – Where the Buddha died
- Lumbini – Where he was born
- Shravasti – where the Buddha spent many, many rainy seasons at a monastery built by the wealthy Anathapindika
- Sarnath – site of the deer park where the Buddha first taught the Dharma
- Sanchi – World heritage site where, in the 3rd Century BCE, Ashoka built a massive stupa which holds some relics of the Buddha
- Nagpur – Where there is a large Indian Triratna sangha
- Ajanta – UNESCO world heritage site with ancient caves (200 BCE) painted with Buddhist masterpieces
- Ellora – UNESCO world heritage site from around 600-1000 CE with rock-cut temple caves of Buddhist, Jain and Hindu significance
This is very much a spiritual journey rather than a tourist trip so non-Buddhists without expereince of Buddhist practice will probably not find it suitable.
The cost for the three week trip is expected to be £1700 to £1850 but this is dependent on currency variations and flight costs. If you would like to express an interest please contact Mosaic (use contact form on this website or message her directly).
The cost for the three week trip is expected to be £1700 to £1850 but this is dependent on currency variations and flight costs. If you would like to express an interest please contact Mosaic (use contact form on this website or message her directly).