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Home » Community Action – Next Collection!

Community Action – Next Collection!

There are many members of our Sangha who take positive action, in many ways, to help improve the lives of all beings. As a Centre we give particular emphasis to two local and one international charity.

With Christmas time coming up this can be an even tougher time for those in need. Therefore, the Community Action Kula will be collecting items for these charities from the 2nd to the 4th December 2022.

The Community Action Kula and volunteers will be happy to pick up donations from your home or workplace. Please contact the Community Acton Kula via its new Community Action 2022 Slack channel or by email at – and let them know your preferred collection day and location and they will get back to you to confirm. 

Please Note: Volunteers will be needed to help pack the food hampers for the baby bank. If you can help please email the above – your help will be most welcome.

For more information on what items are needed for the Christmas Collection or if you would like to read more of what the Community Action Kula does read here.

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