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Meanwhile, down at The Centre ...,

Work has continued down at the Centre, with small changes that you may not notice individually, although hopefully some of them will result in an improvement with the overall ambience. Since the last newsletter the following activities have been completed;

  • Dirty ceiling tiles have been cleaned or replaced.
  • The structural poles have been repainted, and floor trims added to the base of the poles
  • A data point has been installed to the shrine room to facilitate online broadcasts (although there is an ongoing issue with our Broadband connection – currently there isn’t one!)
  • A monitor has been installed behind a downstairs window, for passers by, to display a slide show about the classes and events we provide.
  • The shrine room has been deep cleaned, along with the mats and chairs.
  • A simple ‘lockdown’ shrine has been built (see photo).


Now that the Centre is not like a building site; our next main challenge is to deep clean the Sangha room and other areas, and put Covid19 measures in place so that the Centre can be used again.

The 'lockdown' shrine by Irene