Thank you for giving monthly
Thank you for supporting the Ipswich Buddhist Centre with a monthly donation. Your monthly donation provides core support for everything we do.
The most cost-effective way to give is for you to set-up a monthly standing order. Don’t worry, you can cancel or change the amount at any time. It’s in your hands!
If you are a UK tax payer, as a registered charity, the Centre can claim an extra 25% on the value of your gift so please be sure to complete the online Gift Aid declaration
Here’s how…
- Add your email address below and press SUBMIT
- Check your inbox for the details you need to set-up a standing order
- Use online banking or contact your bank to set up the standing order.
- Complete and submit the online Gift Aid declaration
How much?
- £20 per month helps us bring new people to the Centre
- £40 per month covers shrineroom flowers and candles
- £88 per month will run the Centre for a day
- More if you wish.