The Sound of Sangha
Angie writes …
On Saturday 16 May Amoghavajra organised our first Sangha Soiree by Zoom. These wonderful events are an opportunity for us all to share our creativity and socialise in the sangha. When I logged on I was delighted to see so many people had dressed up for the occasion. Mike had transformed into 007, Amoghavajra came as Jake McTavish and many others in wonderful hats and adornments.
I started the evening with my daughter. I played the tongue drum with melody called Lockdown Lullaby. My daughter followed me with a little tune on the violin. Other musical treats included Ruth on flute, who had only recently started to learn but played a piece beautifully. We had demonstrations of art, poetry and readings. But most of all an appreciation of each others company.
Creativity and an appreciation of the arts is an important part of our system of practice and a soiree is a delightful way to explore these. I very much look forward to the next one. No special skills necessary just a willingness to share your creative spirit.