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News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre

News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre

Spiritual Lineage

Chairs Homily July 2024 This week I have been away from Ipswich on the European Chairs Assembly (ECA) at the Adhisthana Centre in Herefordshire. One of the joys this time

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News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre

Two new Order Members for Ipswich

On 27th April 19 men joined the Triratna Buddhist Order at Padmaloka, our men’s retreat centre in Norfolk. Amongst them where two fine men from the Ipswich Sangha. Many of

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Chairman's Message


E=MC² is a formula we are probably all familiar with. This is Einstein’s ‘simple’ equation to explain the basics of the physical universe, his Special Relativity theory. It is composed

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News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre

Next Steps on the Buddhist Path

Chair’s homily – March 2024 This month we say goodbye to Jamie and Nick. These two members of our Sangha are leaving us for Padmaloka and then Spain to complete

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News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre

Progression on the Spiritual Path

Chairs Homily – February 2024 One of my Sangha friends recently asked me how could they move faster on their progression on the spiritual path? They asked because they felt

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News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre
Eric Orme

Make a promise for Tiratanaloka and IBC

Auction of promises 15th March It is time to get creative about what services or treats you could offer to raise funds for two amazing Buddhist causes. On 15th March

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Becoming More Involved
Eric Orme

Foundation Course Starting Soon

In late-Febuary 2024 Bodhivamsa will be holding a new evening study group for those wanting to take their interest in Buddhism further. The study evenings follow the First Year of

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News from Ipswich Buddhist Centre

Dates for your Diary 2024

With a brand new year comes brand new dates for your diary. Below are some of the key festival dates and the sangha retreat to look forward to at the

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Chairman's Message

Four Gifts

Chairs Homily – January 2024 Once again we have gone around the whole year and are starting again. We seem to place some importance to the new year. It is

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