The works to improve the centre continue during lockdown;
Since the last update, the downstairs WC has been relocated, and Tim has completed the boxing. New shoe racks are also being prepared by Tim, and should be installed by the time you read this article.
Other work is also being done to improve the feeling and general ambiance of the Sangha & Shrine rooms, but won’t be visible;
For instance, work is complete to install sound proofing insulation between the Shrine room false wall and the Sangha room, to muffle sound transfer between those two rooms.
The downstairs toilet extract fan has been relocated from the Sangha room ceiling into the boxing within the lift shaft – the purpose being to lessen the sound we hear in the Sangha room when the fan is running.
Work is also underway to improve the Broadband speed we currently have, and to investigate the possibility of live streaming some events from the Center.