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New topics for Saturday mornings

Our popular Saturday Morning Intro Sessions will be embarking on a fresh theme to start the new year. Each week will consider a topic based on the best-selling book ‘Tools for Living Your Life’ by Vajragupta. In addition to providing the opportunity to learn to meditate, each week will focus on how to combine everyday life with effective spiritual practice.

Amoghavajra who leads the class said “These Saturday morning sessions will be suitable for anyone seeking a meaningful spiritual path while living everyday lives full of family, work and friends. Clear explanations of key Buddhist teachings will be given as well as guidance on how to apply these while living our lives.”

Topics covered will include: life is a precious opportunity, mindfulness – knowing yourself, developing kindly awareness, taking practice into the world, livelihood as a support for our practice, coursing the worldly winds, reflection, and the nature of reality.

Whilst most benefit will come from attending regularly, each week is ‘stand-alone’ so it doesn’t matter if you miss some.

It is by no means necessary to buy Vajragupta’s book but if you want to, it is available in the Centre bookshop or to order from Windhorse Publications.