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Men’s Sangha Gathering

Walk’n’talk at Highwoods Park Walk’n’talk and picnic at Highwoods Park, Colchester on Sunday 17th March. Meet at 10:30. Walk and talk round the park and then packed lunch picnic (bring your own food) before making our way home.  Dana donations welcome. Contact Ivan on Slack for details, address details below. How to… Read More »Men’s Sangha Gathering

Auction of Promises – online

Help raise funds for Tiratanaloka [Un]limited & Ipswich Buddhist Centre Your chance to support two amazing causes and also win some awesome experiences and services that are just not available on the high street. Also, be dazzled by the talented Ipswich Sangha in the half-time entertainment. View the promises now… Read More »Auction of Promises – online

Men’s Sangha Gathering

Join Ariyanivata for a Study Morning. As a prelude to the Parinirvana Day festival on the 25th February at the Centre, we will be looking at extracts from the Pali Sutta The Mahaparinibbana Sutta ( Part of the Digha Nikaya no. 16 ).   The longest of all early discourses,… Read More »Men’s Sangha Gathering

Men’s Sangha Gathering

Meditation Morning The men of the sangha join together for spiritual friendship, discussion and study. If you identify as a man and you sometimes or often attend The Centre, please do come along. This week we have a morning of meditation exploring and experiencing integration while connecting through our own… Read More »Men’s Sangha Gathering