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Welcome Back Meditation Diaries

meditation diaries

Meditation Diaries will return after the summer break – on 7th September. We look forward to seeing you there.

What is Meditation Diaries?

Its an evening for anyone who has learned the two meditation practices or who has meditation experience learned on their own or online or elsewhere.

its unlike any of our other classes – an opportunity to share and learn together.

Once we know and are familiar with the steps and stages of the meditation practices we realise that when we bring ourselves to do them, it’s a different experience every time, and a whole adventure of learning opens up..

This class is about sharing that adventure and learning from each other. As our life experience deepens, so does our experience of engaging with the meditations. In Triratna we teach a complete system which will take us to Enlightenment – but only if we apply ourselves and deepen learning and discovery..

We explore together a part of either The Mindfulness of Breathing or The Metta Bhavana covering all aspects and stages of these two meditations as well as other aspects of meditation practice.

The aim of the evening is to give more life to our meditation and support and improve our daily practice.

The evening is led by two of our most experienced meditation leaders Jnanamitra and Prajnakara.

It is suitable for people who have been attending the Centre for 4-5 months+

This Autumn

This autumn we will following a programme and every third week will be inviting mitras to share their journey with meditation.

Sept 7th Prajnakara leading

Sept 14th hearing from two mitras who are training for ordination

Sept 21st Jnanamitra leading

Sept 28th Both leading – exploring aspects of our breath and awareness.

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