On Thursday 14th January 2021 the Centre trustees made the final decision, and signed the necessary documents to change the type of charity so that we become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This has been a long process taking about 3 years of head scratching and legal conundrums. There are many advantages to this move one of which is that the Charity can now directly own the building that is our Centre.
This change may have an effect on you as we have also had to change the Centre’s bank account. So if you have been kindly supporting the Centre with a standing order then you will have to change the details of that order. We will be sending you an email to explain the process in more detail.
I will also take this opportunity to say thank you to all who have supported the Centre over the past year. Your donations have enabled us to continue to deliver the Dharma to the people of Ipswich.