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Parinirvana Day

The Parinirvana Festival Day is our opportunity to mark the end of the Buddha’s earthly existence and an opportunity to reflect on the life and death of our teacher and our own experience of impermanence. If you wish to bring a photograph of a friend or loved one who has… Read More »Parinirvana Day

Mens Sangha Gathering

At Christchurch Park The men of the sangha join together for spiritual friendship, discussion and study. If you identify as a man and you sometimes or often attend The Centre, please do come along. This month we will be meeting up for a walk in Christchurch Park. Starting at 10am,… Read More »Mens Sangha Gathering

Puja Evening

More info on this evening of Buddhist ritual will be provided close to the event. “There will be some instruction and explanation given, but following the edict of ‘show rather than tell’, we will be performing puja rather than talking about its significance.” Amoghavajra. How to join This is an… Read More »Puja Evening

Puja Evening

This evening’s practice will centre around Vajrasattva and inspirational verses from the Tibetan Book of the Dead. An introduction and explanation will be given on the evening. All welcome. “There will be some instruction and explanation given, but following the edict of ‘show rather than tell’, we will be performing… Read More »Puja Evening

Saturday Intro Session

The Saturday morning sessions aim to give you a practical way to live the life you really want and to explore what the Buddhist path looks and feels like. Each session includes an introduction to meditation followed by a presentation and discussion on an aspect of Buddhist practice. Each of… Read More »Saturday Intro Session